Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Recipe For Making Wine

This is an easy recipe for homemade wine. You can choose whatever flavor you like but my favorite is the red. You will need a sterile milk jug, a large latex balloon and a rubber band to complete the project. This Wine is a bit stronger than regular table wine. Its great for cooking as well as drinking.

You Need:

1 (.25 oz) package active dry yeast
4 cups sugar
1 (12 fl oz) can frozen juice concentrate - any flavor except citrus - thawed
3.5 quarts cold water, as needed


1 gallon of finished wine


  1. Combine the yeast, sugar, and juice in a gallon jug. Fill the rest of the jug with cold water. 
  2. Rinse out a large balloon and fit it over the opening of the gallon jug.
  3. Secure the balloon to the jug with a rubber band. It's important that the balloon can't fly off during the process.
  4. Place the jug in a cool dark place. A laundry room in your basement would be a perfect location.
  5. Within a day you'll notice that the balloon is starting to expand. As the sugar in the wine is starting to convert into alcohol it will release gas which expands the balloon. 
  6. When the balloon has returned back to it's original size you'll know that your wine is ready. It will take about 6 weeks.


This is a very basic wine you can make any time. It's a great place to start your wine making journey. If you want to take it to the next level there is a lot of information you'll need to learn. Fortunately I have found a great website that teaches how to make the best wine you've ever had at home. It's got everything you need. More than any blog could ever have. 

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